Tuesday, December 25, 2012

India Gate ke Vyatha Katha................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

अब मैं थक गया हूँ।

1931 से अब तक 81 साल से देख रहा हूँ यह सब .

अंग्रेजों ने बनाया था मुझे शहीद फौजीओं  की  याद मैं . आज भी फ़ौज तैनात है मेरी शान मे .

कभी बेटियों को जलते देखता हूँ और उनकी याद मैं जलने वाली मोमबत्तियां मेरी आँखें नम कर देती हैं 
कभी किसी मजलूम की इज्ज़त लुटने पर बेबस दिल्ली को देखता हूँ 

कभी भ्रस्टाचार के पीड़ित जनता का सैलाब मेरे बगीचों मैं लेहलहाता है .

अब तो यह लगने लगा है , कि मेरा वजूद सिर्फ उस बरगद की तरह है , जिसके सामने हुक्मरानों के महल हैं , बस्तियां हैं , अदालत है, सिपहसलार हैं .दूर खड़ी यह सारी इमारतें मेरा और मेरे आस पास खड़े मजबूर , बेसहारा , लाचार हिन्दुस्तानियों का मजाक उड़ा रहीं हैं 

जाओ बाबा , आराम करों . लोग आएंगे मोमबत्तियां जलाएंगे , हल्ला मचाएंगे , डंडे खायेंगे चले जायेंगे . 

कभी सोचता हूँ , मेरे नीचे यह जो अमर जवान सो रहे हैं इन्ही को जगाना पड़ेगा . इन्ही से उम्मीद है . इन्ही की कुर्बानियां हैं जो यह देश आज भारत है। वरना इन महलो मैं रहने वालों ने पहले भी नोचा था अंग्रेजों के तरह और भी नोच रहे हैं हिन्दुस्तानियों के भेस मैं .

मेरे सिपाहियों अब तुम ही उठो , अपने देश वासियों का साथ देने के लिए। 

मैं अकेला थक गया हूँ , यह नज़ारा देख देख कर। कब तक मैं बरगद के तरह अपनी छाया के नीचे बेबस खड़ा रहूँगा।

बरगद को सहारा चाहिए . अपने जवानो का , वर्दी का . अपनों को बचाना है मुझे अपने हुक्मरानों से , अपनों के  बिना यह काम मुमकिन नहीं  . 

The Idea of Corporate Happiness

Remember what the seniors/elders in family used to tell about village .

That its a family.

That everybody in the village is a relative, Chahcha, tau, mama, Bua, Chahchi, Mausi.

That we should treat them as family and stand with them, so that tommrow they stand behind us , if need be.

Times changed, our fathers moved to cities for govt jobs and we moved to metros for jobs in pvt sector.

We started 9 to 9 jobs, which changed from 9 AM to 9 PM. Homes became places for spouse and kids, and at times kids and caretakers worse still night haunt to relax.

Our jobs became our lives and our offices became our living centres or better still active life hubs, as we started going home late and enjoyed it only over weekends

Monday, July 16, 2012

Gita Gyaan :The more things change , more they remain the same

I need a job change : i am fed up of doing the same thing for years
I need city change : this city does not suit me.
I need to change my wardrobe : Its so old looking, un fashionable.

Yet no nobody wants change, we are happy if good things in our life don't change. We dont like surprises, weather, guest, visiting relatives, accidents any univited, unplanned change is not welcome. but yet it happens , factors beyond our control and we adjust.

But when things change our usual first reaction is ,Oh shit !

some 20 years back, somebody senior in the family had given me the wall hangout of Gita saar. it did not make any sense then, but looked nice so i got it framed and keep that as a wall hanging a ready read in my office.

why office ? did somebody ask.

because thats our warzone, karam bhoomi, yudh Kshetra. thats where we do our karma for which we are paid, which gives us material goods to make our life meaningful and happy.

Thats where all the political battles are created and fought. thats where our strength and building, retaining and standing for relationship is tested.
Thats where we get our Krishna's ( guide and mentor), the kauravas ( system and corporate rivals), the dhritrashtras ( management), the bhism ( seniors, influencers but not decision makers, commercial or board of directors) and of course the pandavas ( team ).

The more we try to avoid the above, the more they bother us. It only when we face our fears that we realize that the gyaan was actually practical knowledge.

People are drunk in thier power, power that comes from position, position goes , power goes. what remains is the hangover, headache, vomiting feeling and nauseatac sensation.  best , dont get drunk. the power was not with you , it was the chair. it was there before you came, shall remain after you have long gone. You think its you and thats the high, which gives you the low.


On your Karma, 
To deliver good leadership , vision to your team. Be the Krishna
To create atmosphere where people can work with peace, goodwill and harmony. Be the Arjun
To drive people to new heights of potential and achievements. Be the Drona.

Only then, you shall be at peace with your self, your growth, your stature, your peers. At peace with yourself. and Hence be happy with what you have, where you are. 

Accept change, Drive Change, Evolve. above all have BELIEF. BELIEF in power of CHANGE ! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Live Life : Choose : Hapiness , Love, People.

Have met lot of people, friends, relatives. Full tension da ! big lines on forehead, suffering with BP, diabetes.
No Kids at times, making lot of money, having huge assets base. People respecting them, speaking highly of them. But FULL TENSION DA !

I was unable to understand this phenomenon, read lots of book, heard lots of sermon from wise men, but failed to understand the myth of TENSION. I first had my bout of nervousness when i was in 8th class, i guess. In fact even earlier, all PTMs were nervous breakdown sessions. Board exams, teachers thrash, peer pressure, girlfriend pressure, no pocket money pressure, failure pressure, college pressure. All these were pressures. NO TENSIONS.

Once i completed my education and jumped in the rat race to become something, to earn some money, to secure good things for myself early in life, I guess thats where the real tension phase started.
After almost 15 years of slog, i guess the hardwork was worth it. But when i sit and look back or ahead, fortunately , no tension.

I am happy with what i got in my life, and happier for what i didn't, because what i didnot get and others got was worse. This view of life, helped me being content, Inspite of people instigating me, with these strategic iputs like :

  • No you should compete, life, is not about just being cool and happy with what you have.
  • One day you will face the consequences of not planning ahead.
  • People from your batch, your school, your ex company are doing this, earning, that, went there for Holidays, bought this for holidays. What have you achieved ?

I dont know the answer yet, but i feel, i am happy from inside, with i have got, what life gave me, whatever i have earned.

  • I am happy with my friends,
  • I am home on time to spend time with the my family and kids
  • I have my elders and  life support system nearby.
  • I have most of the happiness and good things in life which any family man would ask for in this world.
  • I love my life, i love my job, i love people around me.

I guess, No tension is the choice i made, Taking No tension, be happy, loving my life, the way it is.
Loving people around me the way they are.
BAsically accpeting status quo. Brought this equilibrium.

  • Why worry about things we cant change. ? Rather focus on things that we can DO.
  • Why worry about past or future ? When, what matters is our present.
  • Why worry about things we dont have ? whereas what we have is , what we deserve and earned.
  • Why getting too high with our jobs ? its just a job not your life, life is out there.
  • Why rubbing people when on the chair, with a power do so ? The chair will not be there tommrow, the people will still be.

Go make a Choice, CHOOSE to be HAPPY, CHOOSE to LOVE PEOPLE, CHOOSE to love your family and friends.

These are the choices that matter.